วันจันทร์ที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Meeting seminar at Chonburi

Last week, I went to Chonburi with my sister .In the first time, I did not know why should I go.I knew only it was a seminar. In fact, I did not want to go because I did not know what should I go for. I must stay there for two days and listen to that seminar, I though that I must be so bored certainly. When I went to there, it is a golf club. There is very big golf course and many buildings. There are many houses for take a rest and I must sleep there.I went to there at 10 o’clock. The seminar was starting.I and my sister were looking for seats.When I and my sister took seats.I listened to someone I do not know.In the morning,there was some to talk about network system and business but I did not understand.When everyone in that room applaud ,I applauded too.But I saw my sister so interest with this seminar like others .I still confused that why should I came.When time at 12 o'clock,The seminar was broken.I and my sister went to restaurant for have a lunch.It was buffet.There are a lot of people about 1,000.I must be hurry to take foods.Then I had just 1 hour to have lunch.After lunch,I went to room of seminar,listened to guest speaker who talk about this seminar.When I tried to listen to guest speaker,I felt strage and wonder.I felt something strange in my feeling.Because when I tried to listened,I heard many things so interesting about experience of guest speaker.His name is Peter.He said many things real at present.He is a very good speaker,because he is a professional of business.He is very rich.He does not do work now,but he get a lot of money in every month.I was so impressive him.He told the way to be like him.He does not wake up to go work,but he can wake up when he wants.I am so exciting that how he can do.I concentrated to listen to him because I do not want to be a employee.I want to wake up when I want.I feel strange in my feeling,because I got many ideas from him and I could imagine what did he say.when I imagined,I felt so good to be like that.I think what is a good life.If I can use my life like him I will do everything I want.I think it is very wonderful thing.I wanted to know how to be like that and everyone concentrated to listen to him carefully.He is a man who is success in the life.He told how to think and do to be successful like him.I though it is very good to listen to a man who successful to teach me.He told that before he was today.He had ever been a engineering about 20 years.he earned a lot of money per month but he must work hard.He went to work at 8.00 and go back home 5.00.Although he earned a lot of money per month but he was so try and work like this so long.But now he does not do it foever.He can stay at home and he earn a lot money.He told that in business can separate in 2 sides,left side and right side.Left side,there are 2 groups,first persons who are employees use time for change money have to wake up early and work for other.second,persons who earn money from work as employee and start a shop.They are self-employee.They still use time to change money.Right side,first,persons who work business by use system.They have system work for them.They do not do anything because system work for them.They can earn a lot of money by stay at home.Second,persons who have a lot of money.They use money do money.They have a lot of money by invest in something that can make money to them every month such as rent out condo.Peter thought me how to be right side.He listened to him carefully.He told that I must have dreams and believe I can do it.When the end of seminar,I am so interesting.I want to know what should I suppose to do.I asked my sister.I told her that I wanted to know everything how to do and I will do it because I have dreams and I do not want to be an employee.I was so excited.When I went back home,I started to do it suddenly
